
This blog has been created to allow participants in the work/family conflict reading groups to discuss their thoughts about the books and/or the issue of negotiating the competing demands of work and family. Since you can read and post messages any time, you can participate at your leisure, making it easier for you to get the most out of our reading groups without necessarily adding to the tensions of managing work and family. I encourage you to use this venue for sharing your responses, relevant experiences and ideas for alternative ways of making work and family more compatible. The blog is meant to be a companion to our scheduled reading group meetings - an opportunity to get some feedback on ideas we have or express our opinion about something we are reading about in our book. Just as important, by participating on the blog, we can, at our convenience, begin the process of developing connections with each other.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Typical reading style

Hello new friends and fellow seekers of balance!

I read Competing Devotions the first night I received it thanks to my good friend Erin who picked it up for me. By read I mean typical reading style for the busy woman - quickly skimming and reading what interests you in a very haphazard fashion. I could not put the book down. It was facinating to learn that I am an "Alpha Mom" and not crazy. OK, maybe a little crazy but sometimes that is where creative genius comes in. Yes, I am still waiting for the arrival of the genius part.

A little about me: Brand new 40 year old, married for 16 years, four kids, two dogs, cat, and house in Chuluota. Blessed to be working at Rollins College in Foundation Relations for three years. Recently started a part-time doctoral program at UF in higher education administration. Out of shape but still smiling. Been out of balance for about 14 and 1/2 years. Addicted to coffee. Love to read. Never blogged in my life - hope I am not overdoing it. (wrote on 10/9 but didn't post until 10/16)

1 comment:

Claire said...

I am not a internet person so it took me awhile to decide to try this out. I have read the first four chapters. Forgot the book when I went on vacation last week so didn't get to read it for 7 days.

I find myself also getting irritated with some of this information. On page 21 there was women should be equal to men in all fields. Personally I feel that there are some jobs that women should not be in; however, that should be up to each woman to decide for themselves. I guess I'm a bit old fashioned.

I do agree that if women are working in the same job and with the same qualifications, they should be paid the same wage.

That is it for today. I have to stay after work to blog as I don't have internet at home. Will try to blog again soon.